What is a Nobori Flag?

Chances are, you’ve seen a nobori flag before and not even realized it. A nobori flag is a traditional Japanese flag that is often seen at Shinto shrines, festivals, and other celebrations. They are usually long and narrow, and are hung from tall poles. If you’ve ever been to a Japanese festival, you’ve probably seen a nobori flag flying high in the sky!

The History of Nobori Flag

The history of the nobori flag dates back centuries. In fact, the first record of a nobori being

used dates all the way back to 645 AD! The early nobori flags were made of hemp or linen, and they were decorated with simple patterns or writing. Over time, the designs on nobori flags have become more and more elaborate. It’s not uncommon to see flags with beautiful artwork or calligraphy nowadays.

The nobori flag is usually made of cloth or paper, and it is attached to a long pole. The flag is usually

brightly colored, and it often features the name of the event or organization that is hosting the event. The nobori flag is thought to have originated in the Edo period, and it was used as a way to promote events and attract attention. Today, the nobori flag is still used for these same purposes, and it is also seen as a symbol of Japanese culture.

Types of Nobori Flags

There are two main types of nobori flags: streamer flags and hanging flags. Both types of nobori flags are used for

different purposes. The details are as follows;

1. Streamer Flags

Streamer flags are attached to long poles, and they billow in the wind like a banner. These flags are usually used for religious or ceremonial purposes. So if you see streamer flags around, you will know what kind of event you’re going to see ahead.

2. Hanging Flags

Hanging flags are just that – they are hung from a pole like a traditional flag. These flags are usually used for decoration or to show support for a particular team or cause. For example, if there’s some funding or charity work going on for a certain major cause, the flags you’ll see there will be the hanging ones.

No matter what type of nobori flag you see, one thing is for sure – they always add color and excitement to any event! If you’re ever in Japan during festival season, be sure to keep an eye out for these beautiful flags flying high in the sky. Now that you know about them, you will really enjoy them whenever you spot one around yourself.


No matter what type of event you’re attending, chances are there will be a nobori flag flying high above it. These traditional Japanese flags have been in use for centuries, and

they show no signs of going away anytime soon! Next time you’re at a Japanese festival or shrine, take a moment to appreciate the beauty of these amazing flags and enjoy while you can!